Blog Posts
The Availability Bias
We Live In The Age Of Anxiety The world can seem like a scary and dangerous place these days. If you spend too much time on the internet, or listening to the news, you might [...]
The Framing Effect
The Pink Slime Terror In March 2012, Bettina Siegel, a mother and food blogger in Houston, Texas sounded an alarm about scary-sounding meat products being served to local schoolchildren. She objected to the use [...]
Snob Effect
Scarcity Appeals If you like good bourbon, you’ve probably heard of people trying to get their hands on a bottle of the notoriously rare Pappy Van Winkle, produced by the Old Rip Van Winkle Distillery [...]
Clean Food Fable
Clean Eating Can Hurt You In the spring of 2014, Jordan Younger, a “wellness” blogger based in New York City, noticed that her hair was falling out. She was following the “clean” diet she promoted [...]
Our Services
We stand at the intersection of food, technology and design harnessing science, policy, values and communication in support of businesses that are enhancing the healthfulness and sustainability of the global food system. We leverage our insights in food technology, consumer attitudes and consumer trends to deliver meaningful results for our clients so that they can create the future of food.
Feel like your organization is getting run over by the accelerating pace of change in the food sector? Futurity offers training courses on many aspects of the food & beverage sector related to trends in food trends, policy, consumer attitudes and market insights. Training courses are undertaken by senior executives and seasoned practitioners with decades of experience providing fresh insights from the field.
As an internationally recognized food futurist and speaker, Jack will bring keen insights and engaging humor to your next event. Contact us, and we can design a workshop or presentation that fits the needs you have today to prepare for tomorrow. Jack has delivered more than 300 presentations in 50 countries around the world. He was name by Scientific American one of the 100 most influential people in biotechnology.

Embrace the Future
More than 300 presentations delivered in 50 countries on the future of food, food trends, consumer behavior, disruptive technologies and how to build trust in organizations and brands
Why we fear the food we eat
Pesticides, chemicals, cancer – the world is a scary place and our dinner plate even more so. Or so it seems. Despite what we hear in the media and find in our Facebook feed, food in the United States has never been safer. Why is it then that American consumers have never been more worried about the safety of the foods they eat? Jack Bobo travels the world discussing the future of food and how to sustainably and nutritiously feed the world in 2050.